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Saturday, October 16, 2010


The Walk-A-Mile event was officiated by Dato Seri Dr.James Masing (Minister of Land Development) on the 10th Oct 2010 inconjunction with World Heart Day. The event was held in Kuching at the MBKS ground. The theme this year is "I Work With Heart".
The troops from Kelab TM Kuching: (Front row L-R: Kueh Yang Kheng, Linda Lai, Amelia Sim, Aishah Poli, Hasnah Aminah, Foo Choon Khiuk, Mr.Moh's Son, Moh Ung Kieng)
(Back row L-R: The Moderator, Ong Seng Kea, Mohd. Alihan Jais, Roslan Tajudin & Jong Moi Kian)

We did our stretching and line dancing before the walk. It was a beautiful Sunday morning at 6.30am. This event has been held yearly and the event was organised by Sarawak Heart Foundation.

We walked 2 rounds at the MBKS garden, there were a lot of greens and the event venue was superb and appropriate. We hope to join again next year.

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